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Roof Tips to Implement in Between Professional Roof Inspections

Roof Inspections

When it comes to properly maintaining your home,  roof inspections aren’t always the first thing that comes to mind. Using the following roof tips, however, will help extend the life of your roof and give you some peace of mind that your roof will last for many years.  

In addition, roofs should get a professional roof inspection every 2 – 3 years. It is also important after any significant weather event that could have caused damage to your roof, such as hail, tropical storm, or hurricane.

Roof Tip 1:  Keep the Roof Clean

An important step is to remove any leaves or other debris from the roof and gutters. Even though this is Orlando, and we have an abundance of palm trees, we also have many deciduous trees that drop their leaves, needles, pollen, etc. Debris standing on the roof can damage shingles, clog gutters, and cause mold and algae. 

Accumulated debris on the roof will prevent water from flowing off the roof; causing it to stand or puddle on the roof and deteriorate the shingles or roof membrane. Accumulated debris in the gutters causes the water running off the roof to back up onto the roof, which again causes water to stand and begin to deteriorate the roof below. 

Of course, this is a more significant concern if there are any trees near your roof. To prevent damage to the roof, keep the tree branches trimmed and remove any loose debris before it begins to accumulate on the roof and in the gutters. 

Roof Tip 2: Remove Mold and Algae from the Roof

Roof InspectionsThe warm, humid weather conditions in Orlando can cause mold and algae to build on your roof and will appear as black or green streaks on the roof. Mold and algae usually first appear on the North plain of your home and roof. Mold and algae don’t necessarily cause roof damage but definitely, aren’t attractive and can cause you to lose your footing while walking on the roof.   

Mold and algae can be removed from the rooftop by applying a solution of 50% household or pool bleach and 50% water with a standard pump-up sprayer, not a pressure washer. The power of a pressure washer may be too reliable and could ultimately damage the roof. After applying the bleach solution, be sure to rinse the area with clean water.

Many shingle manufacturers have now created algae resistant shingles. Please call Next Level Roofers, 407-237-7960, to make an appointment with one of our roofing experts and see if a new roof with algae-resistant shingles is the best option for you.

Roof Tip 3: Roof Inspections

Next Level Roofers recommends homeowners inspect their roofs twice a year, in the Spring before the rainy season and the Fall after hurricane season. The things homeowners should look for when inspecting their roof are:

  • Curled, torn or missing shingles
  • Mold and algae
  • Nail pops
  • All roof vents, including the plumbing stacks, to make sure they are properly sealed.  Squirrels chew on the lead plumbing stacks eventually causing a leak inside the house. If you see the squirrels have been eating your lead boots, call Next Level Roofers at 407-237-7960 for an estimate on replacing them and making the new lead boots squirrel proof.

We recommend having your roof professionally inspected every 2 -3 years. During our inspection, we will check for the items mentioned above as well as assess the granular surface of asphalt shingles. This will determine approximately how many years of useful service are left on the roof. We will also check the shingles for any sign of storm damage or excessive wear.

Climbing on a roof can be treacherous; for safety, be extremely careful and be sure to have someone with you while getting on and off the roof as well as during your inspection. If you are not up to the task, call Next Level Roofers for your roof inspections needs.