Like an onion–that’s what the standard roofing system is. It’s made up of different layers, each one representing an important component that ensures your home will remain safe, insulated, and protected against inclement weather. But these layers are not always visible from the ground, and you’ll want to keep tabs on their condition to help maintain a longer lasting roof. Take the roof decking, for example. While this component is protected by underlayment (which is covered by roofing shingles in
A complete roof replacement is a major undertaking—one that takes a significant amount of your time and budget. It’s considered the last resort when repair and maintenance don’t cut it anymore. And while the project can be a tad overwhelming, it wouldn’t do to delay it. Next Level Roofers, one of the most trusted flat roof contractors in the area, shares what happens when you put off a roof replacement.
You always hear the word “timeless” when it comes to home design, referring to a look that will remain stylish no matter the decade. But a timeless look isn’t limited to your home interiors–you can also use the concept to enhance its exterior and create a greater impression from the curb. How about you start with your roofing system? If you’re planning to get a new one this season, make sure to pick a timeless color for it. Next Level
As a homeowner, what do you think is the most important part of your home? Some may consider the kitchen, living room, bedroom, or other places where you and your family spend the most time at home. However, many homeowners and even professional roofing companies agree that the roof is one of the most important parts of your home simply because of the vital role it plays.
It’s important to know the different types of damage that can happen to your asphalt shingle roof. Regular maintenance is essential to keep it in good condition, but sometimes your roofer may spot certain signs of damage that need to be addressed as soon as possible. Over time, your shingles may also get damaged such as splitting or cracking, but what are their differences? As a trusted name in residential roofing services, Next Level Roofers shares their insight: